
This page provides some tools or web sites that are useful during the e-learning process. Some of these tools are free or have free trials.

Open digital educational tools for interactive online teaching and learning

A list of tools provided by UNICEF.


Virtual Labs

Suitable to support science courses and engineering.


  • Praxilabs

Helps You Conduct Science Experiments Anywhere Via 3D Interactive Virtual Labs for biology, chemistry, or physics.

  • Chemcollective  vlabs

A collection of virtual labsscenario-based learning activitiestutorials, and  concept tests for chemistry education.

  • Labster

Interactive advanced lab simulations combine with gamification elements such as an immersive 3D universe, storytelling and a scoring system which stimulates students’ natural curiosity and highlights the connection between science and the real world.

  • Virtual Labs

Provides remote-access to Labs in various disciplines of Science and Engineering ( Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Computer Science & Engineering). Indian Institute of Technology



  • Investopedia Stock Simulator

    Investopedia Stock Simulator is a simple online stock market games that imitate the real-life workings of the equities markets. It is well integrated with the site’s familiar educational content.

    • PHET

    PhET provides fun, free, interactive, research-based science and mathematics simulations. (University of Colorado).

    Interactive Classrooms

    • Padlet

    Padlet allows you to create an online post-it board that you can share with students to insert ideas or discussions.

    IT Games

    • Codin Game