606465 - Applications of Artificial Intelligence
موضوعات مختارة ( 606408 )
استكشاف البيانات واسعراضها ( 606475 )

This course covers the principles and techniques for data visualization. Visualizations are graphical depictions of data that can improve comprehension, communication, and decision making. In this course, students will learn visual representation methods and techniques that increase the understanding of complex data and models. Emphasis is placed on the identification of patterns, trends and differences from data sets across categories, space, and time.

برمجة الروبوتات ( 606417  )
تحليل البيانات الضخمة ( 606376  )
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
هندسة البيانات وتحليلها ( 606375  )
Data Engineering and analysis:
Description: This course provides students with a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of data engineering platforms, for both operational and analytical use cases, while gaining hands-on expertise in building these platforms in a way to develop analytical solutions effectively. By the end of the course, students will be able to design and implement an use end-to-end data engineering solutions capable of supporting sustainable analytics solutions..
الإحصاء لعلم البيانات ( 606272  )